libcex  1.0.0
Modern C++11 embedded webserver library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCertificateInfoContains the parsed values of a SSL client certificate received by a client which is using SSL client authentication
 CFilesystemOptionsContains all options for the filesystem middleware
 CMiddlewareRepresents a single middleware
 CPropertyDescribes a single property containing one or more typed values
 CPropertyListA simple list of properties implemented using std::unordered_map
 CRequestContains the current request and all of its preparsed properties
 CResponseServes as interface to the response which will be sent to the client. Contains functions for modifying HTTP headers and specifying response contents
 CSecurityOptionsContains all options for the sessionHandler middleware
 CServerCore class of the embedded webserver. Manages a single HTTP/HTTPS listener and performs routing as defined by the installed middlewares
 CConfigStructure transporting all configuration options of the embedded server. Note that certain middlewares have additional config structs (e. g. cex::filesystem )
 CContextInternal helper struct for handling libevhtp callback functions
 CSessionOptionsContains all options for the sessionHandler middleware